If you want to vary from the SANS formulas provided you\’ll need to either use Agremént South Africa approved software to prove your rational design (at this stage there aren\’t any software applications approved) or use manual calculation to prove your compliance. In a nutshell: SANSCalc do not need approval as it just uses the formulas from SANS 204 ( and SANS10400 XA) to do the fenestration calculations and so you can use it for your municipal submissions. Software like Autodesk Ecotect fall into this \’rational design\’ sofware category as it can do sun and thermal analysis based on location and orientation but at this stage Autodesk is not approaching Agremént South Africa for accreditation as Autodesk is planning to build the functionality of Autodesk Ecotect into Autodesk Revit and then they will relook at the situation. The only time you need Agremént South Africa Accreditation for your software is if you don\’t follow these \”deemed to satisfy\” recipes provided within the SANS documents and that you then need software to prove your \”rational design\” so that your building energy efficiency is equal or better than that of a similar building that do comply. Their expert view is that you don\’t need Agremént South Africa Accreditation for software that just assists you to do the standard \”deemed to satisfy\” calculations as you can use Excel, SANSCalc, or your physical pocket calculators to do these calculations. They allowed us to hand out a SANSCalc brochure to all the attendees in the meeting. Here follows the explanation and answer to this question: Recently we attended a SAIAT\’s Energy Efficiency in Buildings workshop (based on SANS10400XA AND SANS204) We asked the lecturers about their thoughts on the SANSCalc calculator and they mentioned that they are happy about any software calculator that would assist with the tedious \’deemed to satisfy\” fenestration and other calculations. We have recently received a number of similar questions regarding SANSCalc software being Agrément South Africa Accredited.