Convert pkg to iso
Convert pkg to iso

convert pkg to iso convert pkg to iso convert pkg to iso

If your game folder does not have the LIC folder, you can create it with the help of PS3_Generate LIC.DAT. (Open PS3_Generate_LIC.Make sure your game folder has LIC.DAT Folder (Mandatory).After extracting, you’ll get 3 folders: CFW2OFW V11, PS3_Generate_LIC.DAT, and make-backup-pkg.Download and extract PKG Maker Tools on your PC mmozeiko v1.8 086284d Compare pkg2zip v1.8 Latest support PSP pkg file unpacking, including NeoGeo, Mini, Go, PC Engine pkg files unpack PSP pkg files to ISO or CSO better output with UTF-8 encoding on Windows for title names show unpacking progress in percents Assets 4 3 3 people reacted mmozeiko v1.Don't update liberated games online or offline !.Note: All the games will not convert into PKG, maybe some games converted but not working on PS3 How to make PKG files.Keep in mind that a "Bubble"-PKG-Install-Disc can get really big depending on the number of and size of the PKG-Files you've added.To avoid this you can add game-icons maunally to "GameIconCache". If it's not there it will extract the PKG-file to get the "ICON0.PNG". If you've selected to use "Bubbles" with game-icons LIBERATOR will 1st search in "\GameIconCache\" for a ".PNG"-file.While creating a "Bubble"-PKG-Install-Disc just drag&drop the PKG-Files, which should be included in the disc.This will most likely shorten the creation of a "Bubble"-PKG-Install-Disc with "Bubble"-Game-Icons. The icon ("ICON0.PNG") of every processed content will be saved in "\GameIconCache\"-folder as ".PNG".It's a matter of TRY & ERROR ! (Sometimes it works without problems, sometimes it doesn't work at all, sometimes with freezes/errors/glitches) Not all PSN-games will work when they are converted to disc.You can 1st try the liberated game without that Unlock-PKG-File installed.

convert pkg to iso

Sometimes an additional Unlock-PKG-File will be created.To get Update-PKGs for each game u can use my PS3 GAME UPDATER.A) " PKG" -> Creates a liberated PKG-Fileī) " DISC GAME FOLDER" -> Creates a liberated Disc-Game-FolderĬ) " ISO" -> Creates a liberated ISO-File

Convert pkg to iso